Try and figure it out.
did stuff today
Published on February 15, 2004 By mediocre In Blogging
Haven't slept since 8am on Saturday, it is now 10pm on Sunday. Worked unbelievably hard on Valentine's Day at the restaurant, had a really crap chocolate milk at the cafe accross the road, then Dean called me. Don't ask about Dean. Another mess I'm getting myself into. He's not the mess, what I am probably creating with him is. I hate letting people believe that I can give them things, make them happy. I can't. I can't make myself happy, so how is it possible for me to bring anyone else any kind of joy.

I ended up talking to Dean from 12.30 to 6am. And he called me. He lives in Sydney, coming in March for a surfing tour. Great kid, very earthed, he's interesting because he's one of those raw people who just is what they are. I wish I was like that. I'm too pretentious and aware of what other people 'might' think. It's pathetic actually.

It's unbareably hot. However, I seem to be pulling off marginally pretty in this disgusting heat which is amazing considering I struggle to do that in normal weather conditions.

I took as many photographs as I could of Evil Twin today, I had never seen them play, they are really good though, better than I expected. But I wasn't sure what I was expecting. Unfortunately, even after culling out the average photos, my memory backed up. I didn't have access to a camera because the chick who owns it was having it serviced. I think Trent was kinda disappointed, I would be too. But I'm working on it. I need a project, and I don't really give a fuck if they don't like my work. They aren't paying me, so they shouldn't have legally binding expectations of what I will provide. Smeh. It's only Trent, he's so weird with me. I don't get it. I just have this feeling that I piss the crap out of him. I wish I didn't, I kinda admire him.

This conversation is shit. I'm, well I WAS talking to some kid on yahoo, an emo named Scott. He's totally down on himself, but I think he's hot. Because he is...But he's gone to 'get rid' of something I dunno what and yeah silence is crap.

I want to be very deep in a category, with something I just do, and do good. Something to be passionate about. I haven't had that feeling since 7th grade. Motivated beyond belief. Mmm, shit happens...mostly to me.

I should really give this up now, it can't be amusing to anyone but myself when I read over it.
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