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mediocre's Articles In Blogging
February 15, 2004 by mediocre
Haven't slept since 8am on Saturday, it is now 10pm on Sunday. Worked unbelievably hard on Valentine's Day at the restaurant, had a really crap chocolate milk at the cafe accross the road, then Dean called me. Don't ask about Dean. Another mess I'm getting myself into. He's not the mess, what I am probably creating with him is. I hate letting people believe that I can give them things, make them happy. I can't. I can't make myself happy, so how is it possible for me to bring anyone else any kind...
February 3, 2004 by mediocre
GOD DAMNIT. I'm trying to fix my stupid site and it's not working. UGH, I just felt the need to express my frustration. I'm going to go...and cook some pasta or something and watch Judge Judy.
February 3, 2004 by mediocre
lol Okay, my very intelligent friend Seb, (who also has a funky blog just offered me some assistance when I realised that I had once again, forgotten my username and password. I'm not the brightest crayon in the you can tell. Soooo, people, is anyone else out there suffering a great deal of frustration because of what their mind allows them to think and committ to? Remember that guy I said I had a new crush on...well it's just really really ...
January 31, 2004 by mediocre
I, think that the whole 'punk' image is so unbelievably hot. Especially the 'emo' punks. It's hot. I love it.
January 31, 2004 by mediocre
So, last night started alright, I was in some psycho hyper mood and I was pretty much bouncing off the walls. I guess the notion that I was going to a party after work that was not only, local, but by someone I knew set me off into a really good mood. I got to work, and as I approached the back door the usually full carpark of workers from the surrounding restaurants was empty. Considering we'd recently had some huge powerfailures, it made sense. I walked into the restaurant and my indean bo...
January 15, 2004 by mediocre
Well, I got home from a friend's place (Seb's house) a little while ago, only to be welcomed home by a list of chores and my stupid little brat of a brother. I have to do about seven loads of washing to sift through them and pluck out any clothes I might want to take to my Aunt's house. I haven't spoken to Jet, Ben, OR Joey as's great how they are so sad that I'm leaving lol. I'm eating half of a watermelon whilst watching some shit on tv about that machine on mars. OH, OH wait, now...